Monday, April 25, 2011

Visitors Guide : Ports

Kandla Port

Kandla Port, a national port, is one of the eleven most important ports of India. This port is situated on Kandla stream. The first investigation of this stream was undertaken by the British Royal India Navy in 1851 and a detailed survey done in 1922. This port is developed by Joint project of Maharao Shree Khengarji-III and British Government in the 19th century. Standard dry cargo treatment capacity of Kandla Port is 24,000 metric tons per day. The port is under Ministry of Commerce and is managed by a Port Trust with a Chairman as its head. The Kandla Port Trust is run by a board of trustees. There is an administrator - representative of the ministry of Commerce - appointed for the management a free trade zone known as the Kandla Free Trade Zone placed near the port where hundreds of small and international companies are sited also. Owing to fast progress of Kandla port close city like Gandhidham also developed fast.

Mandvi Port
Mandvi Port is developed by Maharao Shree Khengarji-I in 1580 A.D. The kings of Kutch called the commercial people for development of Mandvi. According to Millburn (a writer), Mandvi is one of the great port of Kutch. There is a large amount of ships in Mandvi. Mandvi Port has its individual history. This port is not in much progress now but many boats and ships are made here nowadays. Today, Mandvi is known for its port and sea.

Mundra Port
Mundra Port is situated almost 10 Kms far from Mundra city. There are two ports: (1) Old Port (2) Adani Port. These ports are used the whole year. Today, these ports have much traffic of many large ships and steamers of world. These ports have a very bright future. Many people come from other states to work here. Mundra is also known for dry date 'Kharek'. ‘Kharek; is exported to the other states.

Jakhau Port
Jakhau Port is also one of the oldest ports of Kutch. Today, this port is only used for fisher men. Jakhau Port has its own importance. This is a very beautiful Port of Kutch. There is a centre for coastguard and water department of B.S.F. in Jakhau Port.

Kutchhi Recipe : Khechdi (Khichdi, Masala Khichdi, Fadeji Khichdi)


PAANJI KUTCHHI KHECHDI. Kutchi Khechdi nande chokre thi kare vade maadu je tabiyat la kare saari aay.

Bhanayla Kare :

3/4 vaadko Chalti(split moong dal with skin)

1/4 vaadko Chokha(rice)

4 vaadka Paani

Meetho swaad anusaar

chapti Hing

1 chamcho desi ghee(1 tbsp)

Bhanaayji reet :
Pela chokha ne chalti bhega kare paani se 6-7 waar dhuteja .Hekde madhyam size je tapeleme chokha-chalti,paani,meetho,hing vajikare cooker me 4-5 whistles  vajaay bhandh kare vajejo.Thodiwaar thadhi thiye poy cooker khole ne khechdi me ghee vaji halaayjo.Paanji traditional Kutchi Khechdiji maja ganeji.
Kutchi Khechdi bhego dahi/kadhi/vaghaarela marchaa/papad/garam doodh /athaanu /kaando/raswaaro saak khaai  sako.Variation la kare masala khechdi bhanaay sako.


2/3 vaadko chokha
1/3 vaadko mong daar(vagar chalti)/without skin yellow moongdaal
2 1/2 vaadka paani
1 kaando(chopped)
2 tbsp singdana(peanuts)
1/2 tsp haldi
1 tsp meetho
1/2 tsp lal mercha powder
1/2 tsp garam masala powder

Waghaarela kare:
1 tbsp tel
1 tsp jeero
3 ellaichi(adadhihi kareli)
1/2′ taj tukdo
3-4 mari ja dana
1 tejpatta
2-3 laving
2 soki lal marchi adadhi kareli
chapti hing

Bhanaayji reet :
chokha ne daar 4-5 waar paani se dhooteja .2 1/2 vaadka paani vaji side me rakhejo.Pressure cooker me tel vajejo.Tel garam thiye ta jeero ,ellaichi,taj,tejpatta,mari ja dana,laving,lal mercha,hing vajeja.singdana vajeja.Haane kaando,haldi,lal marcha powder,garam masala powder ne  meetho vajejo.5 minute poy chokha-mong daar paani bhego vajejo.Cooker bhandh kare 3-4 whistle vajaay bhandh karejo.Mild Masala Khechdi taiyaar.Mild Masala Khechdi bhego dahi,athaanu pan khaai sako.

Tip: Mild Masala Khechdi me byaa saak pan vaji sako.(Gajar,Phansi,kobi,cauliflower,Vatana …).

1 vaadko chokha
1/2 vaadko tuvar daar
3 vaadka paani
4 tbsp tel
2 tsp ghee
1/2 tsp jeero
1″ taj jo tokdo
chapti hing
2 tbsp kaccha singdana
1/4 tsp haldi
1/2 tsp kaari mari powder
1/4 tsp laving powder
1 madhyam kaando chopped
4 kadi lasan sliced
leela marcha slit swaad anusaar
1 tsp piselo aadu
1 madhyam poatato (diced)
1/2 vaadko leela vatana
meetho swaad anusaar
lal marcha powder swaad anusaar

Bhanaayji Reet:
Chokha-Tuvar daar bhegi kare 5-6 waar dhuteji.3 vaadka pani vaji baajume rakheji.Pressure cooker me tel ne ghee bhego kare garam thiye ter jeero vajejo.Haane taj jo tokdo ne singdana vajeja.Light brown thiye ter haldi,lavin powder,hing ,mari jo powder vajejo.Haane kaando vajejo.1 minute poy aadu,lasan,leela marcha vaji 1 minute saatdejo.Haane potatoes,leela vatana,meetho,lal marcho vajejo.Made mix karene chokha-daar paani bhego vajeji.meetho,lal marcho check kare ganejo.1 whistle vajaay cooker bhandh kare tharela danejo.Spicy Masala Khechdi taiyaar.Kutchi chaay(kutchi beer) ,kadhi bhego khaai sako.

1 vaadko yellow moong dal
3/4 vaadko fada(cracked wheat)
1 vaadko cholelo ne cubed potato
1 vaadko leela vatana
1 vaadko cauliflower(nanda tokda)
1 vaadko kaande ja cubes
1 tbsp aadu-leela marcheji paste
1/2 tsp mari ja dana
1/2 tsp haldi
1 tsp lal marcha powder(optional)
meetho swaad anusaar
2 1/2 -3 vaadka paani

Waghaarela kare :
1 1/2 tbsp desi ghee
1″ taj jo tokdo
3 laving
1 tsp jeero
1/2 tsp hing

Bhanayji reet :
Yellow mong dar ne fada bhega kare 4-5 waar paani se dhuteja.2 1/2 -3 vaadka paani vaji kare side me rakhejo.
Hekde pressure cooker me ghee vaji ,garam thiye ter jeero, taj ,laving ne hing vajejo.Poy potato,vatana ,cauliflower, kaando,mari ja dana, haldi,lal marcho,aadu-marcheji paste vaji saatdejo.Haane mong dar-fada paani bhego vaaji ne meetho vajejo.2-3 whistles poy cooker bhanth kare vajejo.Thadho thiye ter khole ne extra ghee vaji dahi bhego khaai sako.
Alag alag saak se ne Fiber se bhareli ,zero cholesterol waari hi khechdi swaadist lagdhi.

Kutchhi Geet : તૉજો પ્યાર

તૉજો પ્યાર
તૉજે પ્યાર મેં આંઊં બુડાંતો – બુડાંતો
હથ મૂંજો જલ આંઊં અભ મેં ઉડાંતો
ગાલ મૂંજી સુણ તૂં આંઊં તૉજી સુણાંતી
ધિલ મૂંજો રખ તૂં , આંઊં તૉજો રખાંતી ,
ધિલજો સુણી નાલો , ધડકન વધી વિઈ,
હિત હુત જિત ન્યાર્યો જિન્નત વસી વિઈ
સમા ભન તૂં મૂંજી , આંઊં પરવાનોં ભનાંતો ,
હથ મૂંજો જલ આંઊં અભ મેં ઉડાંતો
સભર કર જિરા તૂં જુવાણઈ અચણ ડૅ ,
કલી ગુલ થીએતી ત કલીકે ખિલણ ડ

અરધાસ ઈતરી આંઊં ધુઆ હી ગુરાંતી ,
ધિલ મૂંજો રખ તૂં , આંઊં તૉજો રખાંતી

Kutchhi Kavita : जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे

जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे
सचजी हमेसां थीये कसॉटी , जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे,
सच ते हमेसां रॉजे चॉटी, जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे.
चिईं डिंयेंजी चमक धुनियांजी , भलें लग़ेती खासी,
भाकीं गा़ल ही साव खोटी, जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे.

सीरा-पूडी लडूं ने भजीया, सिभाजें रोज कीं माडूके ?
ई मिठी लग़ंधी रोज रोटी, जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे.

गीत-गजलूं लिखी करीनें धरध तुं ओछो कैजें,
अचींघी ‘सरमाड़’ हथ्रॉटी, जेंणां पांके जलइ खपे.

Kutchhi kavita : મન તુ કોલા ખણેતો ભાર…….

મન તુ કોલા ખણેતો ભાર.(૨)
પોય તુ ખણી ન સકને તાર, મન મુજા તુ ખણી ન સકને તાર. મન તુ……
હેન કાયા જો ઠેઠડો ગડો ને મથા વેજેતો તુ ભાર. (૨)
ગરો ગડો ને ઘાચ્યુ શેલ્યુ, વડા-વડા ઓકાર. મન તુ……….
  પન્ધ ઓખોને વાટ અજાણી મથા રુડી પોન્ધી રાત (૨)
જોતુ દઇ-દઇ જોડ્ધો કી ન, જોરને સે તુ ધાર. મન તુ…………

છડ માયા ને કુડ કપટ હી મનડે કે તુ વાર. (૨)
ઠલો વેને ત ઠેકી સગને, ઓકરી થીને પાર. મન તુ……..

હેન જન્ગલ જી ઝાડીયુ ઘાટી ને વસમી લગધી વાટ (૨)
વાઘ વરુ તોકે ફેરી અચીન્ધા, કરીન્ધા તોજા હાલ. મન તુ…………….

બાળપણ તુ ખેલ મે ખોયો મથ જુવાની જો જોર. (૨)
વડો થીઅને તેર હડ ન હલધા, તેર થીન્ધા તોજા હાલ. મન તુ…………………

ખેન્ધા તેસીયે તુ ખાસો લગને સે તુ નિષ્ટ્ ધાર. (૨)
થકને તેર કોય ઓડો ન થીન્ધો, સમજી વેન તુ જાર. મન તુ…………….

પ્રભુ દેને સે પ્રભુ કે ડઇ ડે તોજો નાય તલભાર. (૨)
મન મોન્જેલો તન તોટેલો, હેનકે તુ સમજાય. મન તુ….

મુજો મુજો હુઇ કરીયે તો તોજો નાય પઇભાર. (૨)
મન સમજ્યો પણ મગજ મોજ્યો, ધોડી વઈ ધરબાર. મન તુ…………….

તેડો અચિન્ધો મથે વારેજો ત લેકુ કરધો જીવરાજ.(૨)
લેકુ ન તોજીયુ કમ અચીન્ધ્યુ, થિણુ પોન્ધો તયાર. મન તુ………

ચાર જણા તોકે ખભે ખણીને છડે અચીન્ધા ઘરબાર. (૨)
છડે અચીન્ધા તોકે વન મે હેકડો, ઘરે અચી કરધા રાળ. મન તુ……………..

રુએતા પેન્ઢજે સુખ સ્વારથ લા તોજી નાય જરુઆત.(૨)
માડુ બાયુ ભેગા થઈ ને, ડીએતા ધલધાર. મન તુ…….

લેખો ગેનધા રાઈ રાઈ જા તેર ન અચિન્ધી ગાલ. (૨)
ગાલ કરનેજો આડી અવળી, મથાનુ પોન્ધી માર. મન તુ…………….

આગળ વેને ત કન્ઢા ને કકરા કુન્ઢ ભર્યા અઈ ચાર. (૨)
નરક કુન્ઢ મે ડુબસઃઇ દઈ ને, ખણી ન સકને તાર. મન તુ……………..

સચ્ચી શિખામણ સન્ત પુરુષ જી હૈયે મે તુ ધાર.(૨)
ઓધવરમજી હેટલી અરજી, મનમે કરતુ વિચાર.
મન તુ હણે ખણી ગેન ભાર, ને તુ ઓકરી થીને પાર

Kutchhi Recipe : Khajurpak

Ingredients :
200 gm Khajur
2-3 tsp Ghee
50 gm Dryfruit (chopped Kaju,Badam,Pista)
1 tbsp Til (optional)
1 tsp Ginger powder(optional)
2 tbsp Gund (edible gum)(optional)

 Method :

First deseed and chop Khajur into very small pieces.Heat ghee in a thick pan.Put khajur in a pan. Stir and smash with spoon  till khajur becomes very soft . After 5-10 min. as per your choice add dryfruits ,til ,ginger pwd. and mix it well.Now transfer the mixture on greased surface or thali.Spread it evenely with spoon or greased flat bottom bowl.let it cool down for 5 -10 min.cut into diamond shape .Enjoy your  nutritious snack.
Tip :If you want to use gund fry raw gund in ghee and crush it with the bottom of flat bowl and mix it while mixing other things in kahjur.

Variation: Instead of diamond shape ,sometimes you can make small rolls of khajur when its little warm and then roll over on finely grated coconut powder.

કચ્છી ડબલ રોટી (Kutchi double roti, Kutchi dabeli)

 કચ્છ ઝો ફેમસ ફાસ્ટ ફુડ ઍટલે ડબલ રોટી . હેનઝી રેસિપી હી આય
Cooking Time : 15 mins.
Preparation Time : 10 mins.
ડાબેલી મસાલા :
1 red chilli
1 teaspoon coriander (dhania) seeds
1/2″ (12 mm.) stick cinnamon
2 cloves1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)

ફીલિંગ લા કરે :

1 kg Potatoes
2 tbsp oil
500 gm finely chopped  onions
4-5  tbsp Dabeli masala(can use readymade)
8 Pao (Unsweetened bread)
salt to taste
2 tbsp Tamarind Chutney (khajur imli jhi  chutney)
pinch asafoetida (hing)

To serve :
1/2 cup roasted halved  masala  peanuts
1/2 cup chopped coriander
1/2 cup fresh pomegranate (anar)
grapes cut in half
2 teaspoons fresh garlic chutney
6 tablespoons khajur imli jhi chutney
grated coconut for garnishing

ડાબેલી મસાલા  ભનાયલા :
1. Roast all the ingredients in a pan for 2 to 3 minutes.
2. Grind to a fine powder in a blender. Use as required. 

ફીલિંગ ભનાયલા :
Boil and  mash the potatoes in a bowl or plate ,keep aside.Take oil in a deep pan saute onions on medium heat till golden brown .Add 4-5 tablespoons of dabeli masala ,after few seconds add the mashed potatoes .
Mix the paste properly and cook for 5 mins on medium heat .Add more Dabeli masala if required and salt to taste.Add 2 tbsp tamarind Chutney .mix it well.  Let it cool down.
split the Pao and dab it with the tamarind and fresh garlic chutney .Stuff the potato paste depending on the size of the Bun(pao).Garnish with pomegranate (anar),coconut and coriander leaves.Enjoy your tasty Dabeli.

ટીપ :
If you want toasted Dabeli, Stuff  Dabeli and  toast  them to golden brown in a buttered pan on both sides.Then garnish with Pomegranate,coconut,halved grapes  and coriander leaves.


Kutchi Peda

Kutchi Peda
Peda is the king of all sweets. Its an inevitable sweet for any Indian especially if you Kutchi. If  you have a marraige in your family ,you have to distribute Peda as a means of sharing happiness to everyone of your relatives, if you’ve got a baby you need Peda for good luck, if you have got a new car, you need Peda for it and so on. Its like a must sweet for Kutchis. Kachchhi Peda is a kind of semi hard, brown and Roasted Peda. Its very famous in local villages in Kutch.
Peda Recipe
1/2 kg. Soft white mawa ( khoya)
2 1/2 cups (approx.300gms) sugar powdered
1/2 tsp. cardamom powder
1 tsp. cardamom seeds semi crushed
1 tbsp. slivered or crushed pistachios

Method :
Grate mawa( khoya )with a steel (not iron) grater.Add powdered sugar and mix well.
Put mixture in a large heavy or nonstick pan. Heat first on high for few minutes.Then on slow till done.
Make sure to stir continuously, while on heat. When mixture is thickened  , add cardamom.
Mix well, and take off fire. Allow to cool, gently turning occasionally.
Use cookie moulds, or shape pedas with palms into patty rounds.
Mix pistachios and cardamom seeds and press a bit on top of each.
If using moulds, first sprinkle some at bottom. Take some mixture and press into mould. When set well, invert and carefully, unmould.
Tip :
Given above is the basic recipe. Any color (yellow, orange, green, chocolate brown), essence (pineapple, orange, pista, chocolate), topping (almonds, walnuts, cashews), can be added to the recipe. You can also add any of following for varied flavors: cashew powder 1/2 cup, cocoa 2 tbsp (then increase sugar by 1/2 cup), walnuts powdered 1/2 cup, etc.

Kutchi Sweet:Godpapdi

Sweet Godpapdi with a Kutchi touch
  • 500 gm wheat flour
  • 250 gm ghee
  • 250 gm jaggery cut into small pieces
  • Dryfruits For Garnishing.


  • Heat ghee in  thick vessel & roast flour on low heat  till golden brown. keep stirring.

  • When done  add soft jaggery to it.

  • keep stirring ,after few seconds remove the vessel from heat. stir till god(jaggery) melts and mixes properly with flour.

  • When done invert it in plate that is properly greased with ghee.

  • Level it using flat-based bowl.

  • Garnish it with aniseeds or dry fruits.

  • Cut into square pieces before it cools.

  • Tip : This is healthy for winter season.You can add gund(gunder or edible gum)that is fried in ghee and then little bit crushed with the bottom of a bowl and add to godpapdi while mixing god to the flour.